Teens and Taxes (USA Only)

        I'm thinking I should have posted this before, but later is better than never :). I saw this article on about.com and I think every teen should read this, whether or not they're making money online or not.

But, from what I've gathered from reading for  about an hour on taxes, it all depends on a couple things. However, I'll apply it to readers of this blog (my target audience - 13-16). Dependent, Single (not married), and not making an income that has been tax- reduced (as in, taxes have been taken out, thus, less money). However, if you are making over a certain amount  (the exception was $400 for single self-employers) then you will probably have to file for taxes. As well, if you pay checks are tax-deducted, then you will need to file in order to be refunded (unearned income).

Hopes it helps :).


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